Saturday, December 8, 2012

I Know I'm Not Over You

I know I’m not over you…

When I constantly check my phone waiting for you to text me
When we go out, try something new and I pretend to like green-tea

When I do my hair only to get your attention
When I take some of the blame just to join you in detention

When I put on a dress and uncomfortable pair of heels
When we skip class to hang out, spend the day together and share meals

When you say you want to talk late at night and I fight to stay awake
When it takes me seconds to forgive you for a mistake

When I make excuses about how I couldn’t find someone and ask you out to events
When we talk about the past and I share a history of embarrassing moments

When you ask me what’s wrong and I make something up because I can’t say it’s you
When I describe you to other girls as the perfect guy; if only you knew

When my heart aches every time you mention some girl that’s isn’t me
When I go all Shakespeare as I bid farewell to my heart that I offer to thee

When I know I’m writing this and all this time I’ve been thinking about you
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Monday, December 3, 2012

Cheers To Ancient Times

Like a lightning bolt; striking me... Sending a chill down my spine
Should’ve known you were forbidden… The creation of heavens; Mr. Divine
So evident and transparent to the mind that you’ll never be mine
I have given up; bowed, taken my hat off and resigned
Should have been aware and alerted to every clue and sign
Have ached for so long… Kept going back not once, twice, but nine
Drank poison as I raised my glass to the sky, mislead, assuming it was wine
Pretending to know it all, being part of your future… But I’m no Einstein
A story of longing and surrendering… Of love and pain combined
Farewell to the days of you folding to my arms; of us two being entwined
Crying through the night, waking up with puffy eyes, covering it all with a believable performance of being fine
Should have poured it all out when I had the chance. Should have shouted it off of roof tops – wrote it in headlines
Cheers to ancient times… Now, I only get to visit your shrine
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