I didn't have a hole in my shoe, but I had one in my soul and in the reality I was living - the lack of satisfaction. I didn't starve for food; my hunger was even worse - I was being eaten inside out just because I never appreciated those little food crumbles, didn't want to eat my vegetables and refused to finish my plate. I didn't have a torn shirt, but I wasn't being the right person in what I had on either...
Those watches, shoes and fancy clothes; meals and restaurants. Those do not set the person I am. Those do not give me an identity to stand with my face held high. It’s the hot water to shower and the comfortable bed; the education my dad managed to provide for me, the manners that my mom taught me and them both taking care of me and raising me up to be the person I am today… Yeah, those are what make you pleased with life. Your family, education and beliefs! These are the true riches any person could ever ask for. That’s the treasure people should go hunting for; a true worthwhile wealth!
You think you’re drowning in despair and that your entire world crashed because you couldn't attend that party, or because your friends already saw you in that outfit. Don’t those thoughts of yours seem petty as you realize that they aren't worth a single dime?
You’re crying over that pair of shoes while they’re happy with whatever they had to put on, and still go out and play. You’re complaining to the waiter that you asked for sparkling water not a normal one, while they’re pleased to know that the food on their plates is only a week old. They did nothing to deserve such a life, yet they still have a smile lightening their faces...
Do you know where I can buy you a heart? Let the Wizard of Oz grant you one, for my dear fellow human, you have lost it as you ran after shiny stars hanging above not knowing that underneath all that light and looks it was just another rock…
Do you think you can find it? Don’t walk around ignoring the fact that there are people out there who are underprivileged. They are just like you and me, they’re a living soul, spirits who have names; do not turn your backs to them just because life had other plans for them and it didn't start with a happy ending.
Please do find it…
To all those kids I met, thank you... They helped me more than I could ever help them and I'll always be grateful<3
Find that 'On' Switch, and turn your emotions back on...
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