Saturday, September 1, 2012


I don’t know who’s out there reading my words, yet here I go again writing more
Clueless to whom this blog is reaching; you’re a mystery yet I’m triggered to go on
I’m no writer with a best seller, just a small girl who started this out of bore
I don’t always write poems that rhyme, and there are better writers out there – on?!

The thing is, I started this whole writing idea for myself. I needed an escape, and I never knew it would be into the world of alphabets and certainly not an online blog! But I couldn’t stick to a normal notebook; too dull and never kept track. It’s just great to write random words here… Whether just a normal Dear Diary post, poems or simple thoughts. I keep recording and revealing more of who I am, only to find myself wanting to share even more.

I started checking views a while after and the diversity of countries made me really eager! I can’t believe it has been over a 1000 views in 4 months! Wow! To my readers in cyber space, I thank you all for making it truly enjoyable to post for you!

Like, Share, Comment… Reach me and I’ll be there to talk anytime! =) 


danasobh said...

Thank you! Great Blog as well, had a lot of awesome photos! Curious to see if there's any about Lebanon sites & structures...

Peace, love, and vitamin c!


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