Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Live With No Regrets

Life is too short to worry about all those around you who are waiting for you to mess up, slip and fall. 

Let them listen to you as you talk in a different language, talk even though you have a diverse accent. Let them watch as you laugh as hard as you can, laugh till you feel like peeing in your pants, laugh and actually pee in your pants! Scream as loud as you can, scream till your mouth runs dry. 

Dance even though you have two left feet, dance like there is no one there to judge. Sing like you have the voice of a rock-star, jump down the stairs, and dye your hair purple, be weird and go against the crowd and act stupid.

Don't enter a restaurant and order something you wouldn't eat or a smaller portion because you're not eating alone. Eat like it's going to be your last meal; never turn down that chocolate cake you wanted because they'll think your fat or you'll have chocolate between your teeth. 

Wear those glasses even though you look like a dork, I know I do! Work like you don’t need the money, Skate even though you’ll most likely fall on your behind, play with snow and risk getting a cold, run down a hill just because you feel like it… Swim despite that fact that you can’t, swim even though you’re thirty and still wear water floats. 

Say what’s on your mind, never waste the opportunity to express what you feel, tomorrow might never come for some of us. Love with all your heart and give it your all, love like you haven’t been hurt…

Never do something you're not comfortable doing because you're being pressured by an audience that doesn't even care. Their review won't matter as long as you're happy with your own skin. If you kept quiet and stood there not to do the show and be a viewer yourself, you'll miss all the fun. You only roam this earth once, so make it worth it and live it with no regrets...

Live like the sun won’t come out tomorrow
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"Windy Days"

Never stand against a wind, you’ll crash and get blown away… You might as well just go with it until it finally calms down.

The sun will come out eventually!

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"Caution With Trust"

Take caution when you trust others. Watch out not to forget that who loved you once can walk out on you the next day...

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Monday, July 23, 2012

Perfection Is A Myth

No one is flawless… 
Just because people appear to be so, doesn’t mean they’re any different from you. Don’t worry about impressing them or putting others as standers to rise up to; they could be in situations that are worse, but covering it all with a smile. 
Perfection is no more than a myth that have been spread to fool with our minds. You're perfect just by accepting yourself and showing it to the world no matter what size or color. Whether you were living in a castle or in a one room house - Whether your parents were kings and queens or just someone with a low paying job - Whether you were in a good health or with some sort of disease. 
Never feel bad about who you are, people worry too much about appearances that they spend their lives hiding and altering themselves instead of being out there running in the sun or dancing in the rain... Take what life has offered you, enjoy it and smile anyway!

Smile despite the fact that life isn't perfect and neither are you
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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Somebody That I Used To Know - Gotye Feat. Kimbra

"But you didn't have to cut me off
Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing
And I don't even need your love
But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough
No you didn't have to stoop so low
Have your friends collect your records and then change your number
I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just somebody that I used to know"

This song reminds me of all the people that were once a huge part of my life, but then decided to walk out of it. Whether it was by choice or just situations that eventually made us grow apart; still you always look back at everybody who was once by your side.

A lot of people walked into my life and made promises that they couldn't keep… But in the end they all fall under the category that they’re no longer there for you like they once were. And now when you see each other, it’s either too formal or they never say a single word in the first place…

The hardest part about it, is that even though you don’t talk anymore or you don’t get to see each other or any of that, is that they pretend it never happened… Well, news flash, IT DID. So don’t walk in the street and pass right by without thinking that you never knew me… That’s just… Not right.

Breakups are bound to happen and it will hurt when you pretend that a huge part of you never existed

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Days Of Our Childhood ♥

Close your eyes as I sentence you to go back in time
To turn the clock backwards; won't coast you a single dime

All the way to days of catching fireflies and carrying lunchboxes
Being scared of monsters in the closet and making fort mattresses

When you made a best friend by sharing your blue crayon – the color of your skin didn’t matter
When candy was everything you wanted to buy. And ice-cream was the ultimate answer

When nobody was prettier than mom and nobody was cooler than dad
When she waited for you when you got home and you sat on his lap; nothing would ever go bad

 When rainy days only meant we'll manage to do everything inside the classroom and continue to play
When chicken pox was entertaining, balloons made everything okay and we played with clay

When it was a big deal to go to an amusement park and finally get on the ‘Big People’ ride
When goodbye only meant until summer is over and no one left your side

When you sneaked up on your toys because ‘Toy Story’ was real
When you spent each day in the sun and everything was ideal

When mistakes were corrected by exclaiming 'do over' and everybody was a friend
When we all played together as one and there was no pretend

When decisions were made by going eeny-meeny-miney-moe
Never having a clue that we’ll soon say goodbye and it’ll be time to grow...

Those days weren't going to last
Huh... They passed by pretty fast

Days of watching cartoons and pretending to be them
Sometimes you’re the bird on a tree, others you’re the stem

Days of wearing a blanket on your back thinking you could fly
Of tip-toeing around the house; turning to a spy

Days of wearing your mom's heels and pearls and acting like a queen
Of chasing each other in shopping malls and making a scene

Days of being afraid of the dark and pretending to be sick just to skip school
Of climbing trees, swinging on swings and following playground rules

Days of bedtime stories and being tucked in bed
Of pretending to be a zombie and playing dead

Days of jump ropes, Nintendo games and flipping coins to make everything fair
Of Hide & seek, pillow fights and jumping up and down the stairs

Days of having a recess to run around and scream
Of no race issues; just one team

Days of didn’t matter what you wore; whether a size two or ten
Of being tired from playing, but we'd sleep just to wake up and play again

Days of ordering happy meals not for the food but the toy; never worrying about weight
Of 10$ feeling like a million & another extra dollar is a miracle. When ten o’clock was considered late

Days of looking at the stars/clouds and imagining shapes occupied an entire evening
Of no matter how bad your voice was u weren't embarrassed to sing

Days of following ants and having a pet bug
Of camping in the backyard and Barni was your drug

Days of melted chocolate all over our faces and still didn't care who was watching
Of ‘Opposite Days’, checking who leaped more steps, "You're it" and racing

Days of cuss words being banned and you didn’t have to be compared
Of having innocence and being treated equal. You were once heard

Remember those days?? Or have you forgotten that you weren’t born yesterday??

Before having responsibilities and driving cars. Just simple cardboard spaceships and the privilege to sit in the front seat
Before x-boxes, PlayStation2 or internet browsers. Before you made quick judgments, lied and cheated

Before changing ourselves to impress others and wearing make-up
Covering who we truly are, claiming that we have grown up

Before caring about sexism, classism or racism and letting our ignorant society take over us
Being misled by social media blinding us from the fact that we’re all the same and making a huge fuss

Before money and popularity controlled and took over - Being mean and acting like jerks because we think it’s cool
Mocking others because they're not the same as us. Abusing people; treating them as a tool…

Before all that… Days of our childhood – How I wish to go back
Enter a time machine and get back to that youth track

But time isn’t on our side and we have to leave it all behind eventually
Yet learn from it… Gather that knowledge and better yourself… Childhood days are the key

I Miss My Childhood<3
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"Life Goes On"

When you feel like you're all alone in this world and you want to give up, remember that life goves on; time doesn't stop. Today you're waiting at a bus stop, but keep your eyes on the road; don't even blink... The next ride could be just around the corner - Soon enough  you'll leave the station and head toward your next journey.

You never stay put in one place for so long...
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أنادي بإسمه


لما يتعطش القلب إلى أناس لن تكون يوماً ملكنا؟
فنفتح جروح ضمدت قديماً وما أنت إلا تنذفها من جديد

لما نرمي أنفسنا داخل شعلةٍ يصعب اطفأها؟
فلا نخرج منها إلا وقد ذقنا سخونتها 

لما يصعب على قلبي الصغير الإبتعاد عنك؟
ألم يذوق بعد مرارت الحلو ولو كان حلواً؟

لما ينظر دائماً إليك بإعجاب، كلوحت فنان لا تقدر بثمن؟
مرسومة بأزهى الألوان على قماشةٍ بيضاء
مالت الفرشات بنسياب وهي ترسم ملامحه التي خلت من الشوائب

لما ينادي و يناجيك قلبي بإستمرار؟
يا من دفعني إلى اليأس

لست ملكي، فأحرم عليك 
ولكن أبقى أصون اسمك فوق كل شيء

لما كلما تهب ريحك العتيدة أنهض من جديد؟
فأحبك مجدداً يا من صعب علي التخلي عنه

لما لا أبقى في مكاني؟
ألم تكل بعد قدماي من التصدي لسقوطي هذا؟
ألم يهرم جسدي وباء وقت التخلي عن أحلام سرحت في فضاء الخيال؟

لما أواجه هيجان بحرٍ ملئ بلأسرار؟
يا من رسيت حائرةً في حبك

لما تمسك بك قلبي ودفعني إلى حافت الجنون؟
فأنت الغريب الذي يصعب التوقع بأفعاله
قد تحملني إلى بر الأمان يوماً وقد أبقى على حالي هذا 

أنت الغريب الذي لم أعرفه يوماً
غلبت القمر في هذا الغموض 
ولكن عينك اظهرت على الملأ حنان
وأسحرتني كساحر وأنا أراقبك من بين الصفوف

أين أجد اجوبة لتساؤلاتي هذه؟
لعل بقائي وتربصي هذا لأني أبقى متسائلة عن حالي في ظل وجوده 
لعله يوماً ينظر لي كفتاة أحلام وأسحره كما فعل هو بي 

سابقى أنادي بإسمه 
يا من عاش إسمه فوق كل الأسامي


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Sunday, July 15, 2012

"Open Doors"

"When one door closes, another one opens"
Yet sometimes we dwell and morn over the one that has closed, that tears blind us from seeing the sun that's creeping from the one that has opened for us...
Let go of the knob, and stop trying to open what's meant to stay closed....

Find ease and comfort *
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Making My Escape

They tell me I have changed… I left their fairy tale. I’m no longer filling the pages of a book that have been read for so many times. I’m the one with the choices, I'm writing my own words, I’m holding the pen this time filling every empty page, creating my own book - my own life.

I get to walk in which ever direction I choose to pursue… I’ll do what I want. Right here, right now, this is me walking through different lanes in life; making my escape…

Yes, I came out; I came out alive. Ropes have been unbound, chains have been broken and I’ve been running ever since I came out through the door and never looked back.

I made it out… No more holding to dreams that were fed to me. Those were bait. I fled; I’m out  in the real world. I now know what true dreaming is, I know what’s beyond those locked doors they've told us myth about.

No holding me back... I'm Out
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"Unfair World"

Sometimes people don’t seem to care, 
The world seems unfair, 
And all you can do is burst into tears and say a little prayer. 

God, thank you for being there for me and allowing me to cry out to you in my times of need”
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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Dear Diary, All They Need To Know Is I'm Shy

Dear Diary,

Recently, some of my friends think that I’m shy or that I hold back and keep things to myself. But the thing is, I’m not shy at all; I’m the complete opposite. I just, find it really hard to trust others; to throw myself off a cliff and expect someone to hold me…

Friend?! What does that even mean?? The definition of that word has turned vague over the years. I got to know a lot of people on this journey I’m on, some who made just a quick stop along the way, while others stuck with me through it all. But life takes its course and decides to send people you love the most to the end of the world while you stay in place. Turns out, you’re just a victim in this existence being sentenced a thousand years; prisoner by reality and you’re not going to get bailed out.

Yet, the universe is in a nonstop motion and the miles keep rolling. The hands on a clock turn in a continuous motion, moments pass and time takes you to a whole new world. And just when life seems fair again - just when you think you have done your time - the universe surrounds you with enemies. My dear friend, you have left prison just to find yourself in the middle of war and on the fire line. You’re an easy target for those around you to aim at and take their best shot.

You come face to face with people that craved for you to lower your shield, which convinced you that they’re on your side; just to find yourself bleeding. You handed them the weapon and ammunition on a silver platter never giving a thought that you’re the one on their hit list.

So yeah, you can say I’m shy. You can say that I have changed and I’m on longer the same. But I’m better off this way; I don’t want to get used or walked over anymore. I've had my share of those people; I have the alibi to be quite. At the end of the day, I know that I’m the only person to depend on; I’m the one to put the pieces of my life back together - ‘I’ am the one that’ll cushion my fall not YOU.

I sit on the ground because the ground is my comfort place. It's easier to remain sitting there, than standing up just to get knocked off again. It's easier to build your own world than opening up just to have another pain to go through, another bandage to remove and another scar to look at that'll just be a reminder of how you have been fooled once more.

Trust is earned never handed away... Maybe someday I'll truly find people that'll lay on the ground with me, that'll fight on my side and win this war for once and for all. I'll have the courage to fall for the last time knowing someone somewhere will open his arms for me. But until then...

I’m shy, and that’s all you need to know about me.

Are you a 'Friend' or an 'Enemy'?!
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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Startup Weekend 2012

Well, the time has finally come to tell you all about my experience during the Startup Weekend event. It took place on the 6th, 7th and 8th of July; as in two days ago. I was extremely exhausted after these 54 hours of ‘changing the world’ to actually type. Here’s what happened:
After finally arriving at Berytech we started by registering, had some food and of course we had to go on stage and pitch our idea. I entered this event with my friend Mohammad Issa in a project we named S.E.S (Safe Evacuation System). Our idea made it through the first stage and we later on formed a team to work with for the next two days.
The weekend was a complete roller coaster, but worth every second. Running around and being jumpy, the awful food for three days in a row and the dark lines under our eyes. But for every moment we faced one of those incidents, there was one that triggered joy. The people we met from different countries, the laughs we had together and the rush of getting on stage, representing yourself and being heard.
It was great to check out what other people had and their creativity in the technology world. It was even better to spend 54 hours learning to be an entrepreneur; whether it was from the coaches that we met every couple of hours to guide us or the event itself.
The experience was with no doubt a one of a kind and even if we didn’t come in first place I have no regrets about what went on. Except the fact that I mixed my laptop charger with someone else and I’m still trying to get a hold of it! O.o
One thing I truly discovered was myself. The rush I had there, and the how my heart jumped to my throat, made me realize that such places is where I want to be. And I don’t want to stop here, in fact I can’t wait to have another thing thrown my way, do my best and enjoy another fulfilling experience.
For more information check out: http://beirut.startupweekend.org/
Here’s couple of pictures from the event:
When we first arrived on USJ Campus.

 On stage, pitching our idea.

Voting Time!

After moving on to the next level. Gathering a team to work with.

Our team!

Being coached...


Presenting our idea for the last time...

Great weekend with incredible people!
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Monday, July 9, 2012

Dear Reader

I was asked to write a letter as a Palestinian refugee living in another country.

Dear Reader,
            This is a humble letter from an individual that’s merely a visitor on your lands and is here to tell her side of the story. Sent to those of you out there who look down on us from your skyscrapers and castles that are built on pillars of sand. While you take a seat on your silk made chairs on that dinner table that’s showered with all kinds of luxury and feast like kings, we’re sighing at that crack in the ceiling that my dad promised to fix last year and settle for crumbs of bread. While you’re frosted with diamonds and the top of brands from head to toe raising your golden glasses that are flooding with the finest wine, my mom tells me that I have to spend another winter with the same rag coat I did last year and we never dare to ask for more. My name is Dana Sobh and this is how my life has been like for the last seventeen years, and this is how it’ll always be like.
                It’s an honor for me to be writing you this letter. It might be another simple message for you, yet to me it’s beyond that. It’s not just some words filling a paper, it’s the chance to be heard, the opportunity to be more than a word and more than a line on a piece of paper and definitely a spark of hope that shows that the world isn’t empty after all and we’re not alone. Every drop of ink will resemble my voice, so here I am shedding a spot of light on a world that you have forgotten. I’m a young girl at the age of seventeen coming from a family of six. I’m a girl that has been living in the Palestinian camps for as long as I remember. I’m a girl that has a lot to say and just waiting to be heard.
                Ever wondered why we always look at all what’s good in life and never consider what the worse might be? How come when a fairytale is told, we think about the “happily ever after”? Is the world really that perfect with not even one stitch or bandage?  Haven’t dreams been demolished and lives been ruined? It’s not easy to be in a portrait where your colors are faint. We live in a world where everything is so hard to reach. What’s a must to you is an option for us. While you go enjoy what life offers and sends towards your way we’re there in our front row seats watching what will never be ours.
                Every morning, we open our eyes, put one foot in front of the other and just get through the day. It’s hard to be that nail in a bunch of hay and it gets even worse when you’re no longer in the second grade and crayons no longer brought people together. The feeling of rejection haunts us on daily bases; running to the end of the world won’t stop it from making us those fragile roses in rain. We’re not the same as you, we’re coal and you’re so well polished and shinning. It’s easier and more comfortable when each one stays on his side of the fence. We don’t attend the schools you do, wear the things you do, and definitely do not share the same backgrounds and experiences as you. We live each day just trying to survive. When you’re thankful of buying that last purse or shoes, we’re thankful for that medicine given to us by help associations, that we managed to get food on the table by dinner, and that we were all there safe and sound. What I’m mostly grateful for and appreciate so much is the ability to gain an education despite everything. The capability and support in the sake of being a sophisticated person and not out there on the streets.
                You see, there’s a reason they call them fairy tales. There’s motives and basis on why they’re described as myths and the talk of legends. Because there’s no such thing as transforming from a thief to a sultan out of rubbing a magic lamp, Cinderella’s carriage will for eternity be a pumpkin, and love won’t turn the clock around.
 Though stepping aside and being invisible can sometimes be a comfort, but we can’t just eliminate ourselves from the society since we’re forever a part of it. We have learned to embrace who we are and the world that we resemble. From where I come from and from what I have acquired throughout the years, I refuse to surrender and accept that fact that you’re all buffed up and we’re rusted and weathered. The earth is not some dead thing you can claim, we’re there sharing this ride with you; we’re spirits, we have names.
 We wish for soothing rain, but that doesn’t happen when we sit back and watch you declare the spoils of the world. They say “The early bird catches the worm”, “A stitch in time saves nine” and “He who hesitates is lost”. It’s a game we’re playing and just because you come from fancier places and were given everything on a silver platter, doesn’t mean we’re admitting defeat; for I love the playing field. Just because I’m a bird with a crooked wing doesn’t mean you can stand in my way of soaring in the sky. I’m here to fight for my presence and work harder so that I’d beat you, but on a level that’s beyond materials. For there’s always this chance of us working hard, and having our name worth being remembered. 
Dear reader wherever you might be, this letter is for all you of out there.  You can never truly understand someone from the place that I call home until you walk the footsteps of a stranger. I have now told you the story of a seventeen year old girl, yet I’m just a speck among my people. I’ll never have the power to mend the boundaries that separates our worlds and we’ll forever be different. “Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon, or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?” Some things will never change.

                Sincerely, Dana Sobh
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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Stand Strong

Never seek to please others; it’ll just be a waste of who you truly are
Never let them see you at your weakest, it’ll just feed their hunger
Never let anyone get under your skin, it’s jealousy that drives them to scar you
Never give in to words uttered by others; it’s you alone that matter, and not their whispers
Never surrender to they’re stings, shield yourself, keep your foot down and stand strong

On your way to the top, you’ll run into a lot of people, who will trip you, seek to sabotage your work, and throw you off the edge; it’s up to you to either fall behind or fight for your presence.

Stand strong despite what others think - Prove them wrong
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Monday, July 2, 2012

God, Forgive Me

God, forgive me if I ever cried over something you didn't plan to happen
If I complained instead of holding strong to my faith and repeating your name again and again
God, forgive me if I ever mourned over people you took away
If I ever got off track from your path and was lead astray
If I lost sense of colors and it all turned gray
God, forgive me if I ever hid behind fibs and lies
If I didn't tell the truth and covered it all with a disguise
God, forgive me if I ever asked “Why me?!” as an alternative of having patience
If I broke down on my knees and didn’t maintain endurance
God, forgive if I ever got jealous and had a desire of what’s not mine
If I had a speck of envy in me and crossed the line
God, forgive me if I ever got furious and lost my temper
If I harmed anyone with a word or so and abused my human nature
God, forgive me if I ever exploited all the treasures you put in my sight
If I didn't appreciate all that I had and held to it tight
God, forgive me,  for I have sinned and asking for forgiveness is all that I have

Forgive Me
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Sunday, July 1, 2012


You'll N E V E R guess what I found!! 
Check out this really cool site that will actually write an essay for you! HA! Out of all the things I needed back in High School, this would have been really useful!
Running out of time to write the essay yourself; or just too lazy?? All you have to do is fill in the blank the topic of your essay, click enter or so and start typing away. It even supplies a title! O.o 
So no more excuses about your dog ate your homework ;) You're off the hook! 
That's the link:

Who knew?!
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