They tell me I have changed… I left their fairy tale. I’m no
longer filling the pages of a book that have been read for so many times. I’m the one with the choices, I'm writing my own words, I’m holding the pen this time filling every empty page,
creating my own book - my own life.
I get to walk in which ever direction I choose to pursue… I’ll do what I want.
Right here, right now, this is me walking through different lanes in life;
making my escape…
Yes, I came out; I came out alive. Ropes have been unbound,
chains have been broken and I’ve been running ever since I came out through the
door and never looked back.
I made it out… No more holding to dreams that were fed to
me. Those were bait. I fled; I’m out in the real world. I now know what true
dreaming is, I know what’s beyond those locked doors they've told us myth about.
No holding me back... I'm Out
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