Friday, June 8, 2012

Energy Fair 2012

Dead Diary,
Today, I attended something called Energy Fair that was held at Beil (Lebanon-Beirut). It was pretty amazing. I mean just imagine meters and meters of people who came together just to show what they have to the world! Innovation, creativity and breath taking ideas that simply blew our minds and introduced us to an infinite world of practical art, machines, and products.
The work those people have done was amazing! A lot of projects stood out in terms of appearance while others had high effective and efficient usages!
Some pictures I took:

Bags that can charge your cellphone, laptop or even turn on a television. Blew my mind! How useful is that?! Not out in the market yet, but as soon as they are, I'm definitely buying me one of those! They are generated by any source of heat (Sun, Lamp, or even temperature...etc). Extremely useful, my mobile battery always dies on me!

What I loved about those windows is that they're are similar to average ones in addition to being top hung windows. But that's not all... They are sound proof, water proof and also obstruct temperature. 

Just look at the LENGTH of that drilling TOOL!

A dream shower! It has a wide platform on top, and it also splashes water sideways.
The catalog for that company was impressive! Who new showers could be that in interesting.

Civil engineering students at my university study Surveying. Instead of those old fashion machines to measure landscapes and so, a new and improved product is found. It's done through lasers!

Okay, this one might be simple, and in fact it's a common product actually. It's a camera that detects motion; we have those at my university. I just started dancing near it so that it would detect my motion and eventually take this picture you're seeing right now! xD
It's a great idea though!

Embossed Printing! I think the word says it all. Beautiful! I'm into art and decorations a lot and their was so many great and diverse texture.

And last but not least, art done with nothing but simple marbles! A M A Z I N G. This completely grabbed my attention from the first look and was eager just to go their and ask them all about it! The artistic vision a person should have to come up with something so enchanting. Tiny pieces of marble turned into a breath taking master piece. I love it!

The exhibit was so much fun! Soo many more interesting products where out there, but I only had a little time to go over half of them! What a shame! Heart broken by the fact that today was its last day and I'll never get the chance to see what others have presented!




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