Sunday, June 3, 2012

Dear Diary, My REAL Talent??

Dear Diary,
Ever seen those shows on television that relate to finding talents?? Like 'America's Got Talent', 'Arab Got Talent', or any of those shows. They really get me wondering about what's MY talent!
Haven't you always wondered what's yours?? What's that talent that makes you so unique and different from others. That capability found in you that puts you under the spot light and handles you a stage to show it off in front of millions of people who you would be entertaining.
Well, ya, that one special thing about me is still unknown! I mean, I know I don't juggle balls in the air; that's for sure. I have two left feet, and the voice of an animal who's dying slowly...
But, if I can't do that, what can I do?? What am I capable off??
Yet, the question that haunts me the most is: How do I find what my talent is??
How did all those people before me figure out what sets them apart from each other and got on the right track??
Some say I'm a good at drawing, but I don't think I'm that good. A lot of people can sketch couple of cartoons. No bigi' =/
Other direct me to writing and go on and on about how I'm good at it. But the thing is, I believe I still have a long way to becoming any where close to a "real" writer. I'm lacking too many skills and I'm facing blocks while making several attempts in improving. And above that all, my Arabic keeps going down the drain by the minute! It's vocabulary is fading.
There's no doubt that being a writer is the ultimate dream, but it's still a really lo0o0ong way ahead. Besides, I don't think it's much of a talent!
I want to know my REAL talent. That natural ability that's in my blood; desperately seeking for a way out!
But, until I figure out my potentials, I'm going to forever search for it!




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